Saturday, August 28, 2010

Great duality of the Crescent City...

For those of you who don't know, I'm originally from New Orleans. Grew up there and then moved away for college, but it's still what I consider "my hometown" even though I don't live there anymore.

August 29 will mark the 5-year anniversary of Katrina. The storm changed everything, and I've done poetry and other posts to remember the 8/29 date in the past, but this year, I'm doing something different.

Someone posted this link on Facebook and I watched it. It's Vince Vance doing a talking-song while showing footage of the city. There's such a duality to New Orleans. People love it, hate it, it's one thing or it's the other. But the truth is, New Orleans is both. It's so many things, wrapped into one. That's what makes it so rich.

So watch this clip. Very worthwhile.

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