Friday, April 17, 2009

Off for a writing bliss weekend!

Hey all,

I'm attending the Deb Dixon Goal, Motivation, Conflict seminar this weekend outside of Atlanta. Due to traffic constraints, timing, and well...just general wanting to get away, I'm staying at the hotel for the weekend too.

If you can get a great hotel rate, I recommend trying this at least once. Give yourself even one weekend night in a hotel. Take your laptop, enjoy the solitude and write your little hearts out. It often helps me to get a change of scenery (it always helps to get away from the daily chaos that is often at home) so it's a nice break to try and tap into that creativity.

Usually for every book, especially when I've hit the "sagging middle" part, I do one hotel weekend and productivity seems to come easy. I can't explain it; it just works.

There'll be a book signing, a movie night for my writers group, and the seminar this weekend, but I'm determined to get in some writing time too.

Enjoy the weekend and keep on writing!


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